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University Support Services and Resources

We’re here to support our faculty and staff. On this page, you’ll find access to emergency resources as well as University-wide support services to help you navigate your work-life—and beyond.

Crisis resources

In the event of an emergency, contact or reference one of the following resources:

Non-University resources that can help in the event of an emergency:

University-wide support services

In the event of a non-emergency, the following resources can help you with a variety of types of support.

Behavioral Health Partners (BHP)

BHP is available for University faculty and staff who are enrolled in a University health care plan. They can provide support for stress, anxiety, depression, and more.

Learn more

  (585) 276-6900
  Well-U Emotional and Mental Health page

University Resource Groups

Available for all employees. These groups serve as a resource to provide mentoring and professional development opportunities, as well as additional opportunities for communication within the University community.

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University Resource Groups

Title IX Office

Available for all employees. Title IX has resources for addressing and reporting sex or gender discrimination.

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  Title IX Inbox is checked Monday–Friday, 9 a.m–5 p.m. (not checked on holidays).

Policy 106

The University-wide Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Discriminatory Employment/Service Practices.

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  Full policy
  Get specific contact information

Family Care Program, which includes

Available for eligible faculty and staff. These resources provide care-giving options such as childcare, eldercare, and more.

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  Family Care page

Genesee Staff Council

Available for non-Medical Center staff. The Genesee Staff Council helps provide staff representation across the University and facilitates communication with leadership.

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  Genesee Staff Council